Is It Safe to Take Viagra with Blood Thinners?
It is not uncommon for individuals with erectile dysfunction to find themselves having to take Viagra to treat the condition. But at the same time, erectile dysfunction is associated with heart complications and strokes which are minimized by using blood thinners. So when you have both conditions you naturally would ask, is it safe to take Viagra with blood thinners? This article will give you a complete guide to using Viagra and blood thinners and give an answer to the question as we go along.
Understanding Viagra and Blood Thinners
Viagra is a drug taken to help men with erectile dysfunction get a normal erection when stimulated. This medication contains Sildenafil, a known blood vessel dilator. It works by relaxing the muscles of blood vessels so that they can fill up with blood.
Blood thinners however are drugs prescribed to prevent blood clots that are commonly associated with strokes and heart attack. Common blood thinners include Warfarin and Heparin.
With both Viagra and blood thinners having an effect on the flow of blood, you would suspect that there may be concern whether it is safe to take Viagra with blood thinners. But with this new understanding of what they are used for and how they function in the body, it is also easier to understand their benefits when used correctly.
Is it safe to take Viagra with blood thinners? Potential Interactions and Risks
The main concern when using any combination of drugs is the risks of interactions between the drugs. Many experts however note that many men have been able to use both drugs safely without any interactions.
So when specialists have been asked is it safe to take Viagra with blood thinners, they respond in the affirmative.
But, just before you start using these medications, you may need to know the risks of using them individually. Viagra, also known as Sildenafil has a list of possible side effects which include lowering blood pressure. If taken with certain medications, it can cause serious side effects.
Blood thinners too can lower blood pressure to a certain extent when used but the greatest risk is the fact that while you are on this medication, if you get an injury, your blood will flow freely because it cannot clot. There would be a danger of losing too much blood.
To ensure the safe use of both Viagra and blood thinners, a medical doctor needs to be consulted to prescribe the right dose for each medication.
Consultation with a Healthcare Provider
Some individuals may have underlying conditions that make it risky to take this medication. Healthcare providers help to minimize the risk when using Viagra and blood thinners. Consultation with a doctor will help to determine a patient’s history and medications that they are on before they start using the drugs.
If you are using certain drugs, you might need to adjust the dosage of both Sildenafil and blood thinners such as Warfarin.
At times a health provider could offer an alternative treatment for one of the two drugs. But in most cases, it would be safe to take Viagra with blood thinners.
Monitoring and Managing Side Effects
Even when a doctor says it is fine for you to take Viagra with blood thinners, it doesn’t mean there will be no side effects. Like most medications, both Viagra and Warfarin may cause side effects. You need to monitor the effects the medication may cause as you use them.
Side effects may not be so worrying since they often subside with time. You may experience headaches, nausea, or even a change in your heartbeat. Monitor these side effects and let the doctor know how intense they are. This can help determine if any changes to the dosage or medication need to be made.
If any of the side effects are intense, you should immediately inform the doctor. It is even necessary to stop using the medication for a while.
Viagra and blood thinners are medications intended to improve a patient’s life. Viagra can help have a healthy and happy sex life while blood thinners are essential for preventing the risk of stroke and heart attack in patients with ailments such as high blood pressure.
It is common for men to end up needing both medications and clinical trials reveal that men who have been using these medications have had no or minor effects as a result of using the two together.
Doctors, when asked, is it safe to take Viagra and blood thinners together, say as long as a patient doesn’t have underlying complications that may affect their use of the medication, it is safe to combine them. However, the involvement of a health provider is important to ensure safe dosage and management of the treatment.
You can click here to buy safe Viagra from a trusted source. If you would like a Viagra alternative, click here